Vittoria Lodge Members Attend Dinner with Culture

On Sunday, November 7, 2010, several members of the Vittoria Lodge and auxiliary attended a “Dinner with Culture” event at the Italian American Cultural Center of Iowa.  A presentation on Christmas in Italy was presented by the cultural center, folowed by a  delicious dinner prepared by Tony Lemmo of Cafe di Scala.  Below are photos from the event.


Vittoria Lodge Makes Large Donation to Italian American Cultural Center of Iowa

At the annual Columbus Day Dinner presented by the Italian American Cultural Center of Iowa, President Jim Forneris of the Vittoria Lodge presented a $7,500 donation to the Cultural Center to be used as a payment on the principal of the Cultural Center’s mortgage.

The donation came from the proceeds earned by the Vittoria Lodge’s efforts at this year’s Italian American Heritage Festival of Iowa.

In appreciation for their donation, the Cultural Center sent a cake and a letter of thanks to the Vittoria Lodge at their October meeting.

Vittoria Lodge Participates in Viva L’Italia Festival

Members of the Vittoria Lodge contributed many hours of volunteer work in the planning and execution of this year’s Italian American Heritage Festival of Iowa.  The women of the auxilliary also worked in the  Vittoria Lodge food booth selling biscotti, guanti, and Blue Bunny ice cream.  Proceeds from the festival food booth went towards the Vittoria Lodge Scholarship fund.  Below is a slideshow of photos from the food booth.  Thanks to all who volunteered! 


2010 Annual Dinner

The Vittoria Lodge held its annual dinner on Sunday, June 13, 2010 at the lodge hall.  Before a delicious meal of pasta and chicken was served, lodge president Jim Forneris completed the hall remodeling project by attaching the last piece of trim.  The meal was followed by a program which included a review of the successful year by Jim  and auxiliary president Julie Jennings.  Outgoing auxiliary president Mary Ladurini was also presented with a bouquet of flowers in honor of her many years of service to the group.

Photos of this year’s event can be viewed in the Vittoria Lodge Photo Albums.

Here are a few previews:

Auxiliary President Mary Ladurini Honored for 26 Years of Service

Vittoria Lodge Auxiliary President Mary Ladurini was honored at the group’s May meeting for her 26 years of service as president of the auxiliary.  Julie Jennings will be replacing Mary as president.

Other officers and trustees elected at the May meeting include: Vice-President – Kathy Lickteig,  Secretary – Judy Grant,  Treasurer – Kim Magnani, Sgt. of Arms – Norma Fousak, and Interpreter – Della Stefani.

Trustees elected include: Tina Battani, Betty Bimbvi, Mary Ladurini, Sarah Mahnani, and Freda Prati.  Alternate trustees elected were:  Darlene Cross, Della Stefani, and Mary Tonini.

Vittoria Lodge Members Complete Hall Renovation

Over the past two months, members of the Vittoria Lodge have been hard at work remodelling the main hall of the lodge building.  New walls, ceiling and lighting are the highlight of the project.  The panoramic photos below are courtesy of member Rick Hutcheson.  If you are interested in using the hall for your event, please see our Lodge Building Usage page for more information.

Main Hall view from the kitchen.
Main Hall view from the kitchen.


Main Hall view from the front door.
Main Hall view from the front door.

Santa Visits the Vittoria Lodge

Santa stopped to pay a visit to the Vittoria Lodge on Sunday, December 13th, where coincidentally lodge members and their children/grandchildren were enjoying a potluck dinner.   After a hearty meal and some quality time with Santa, members headed to the Italian American Cultural Center to participate in the Santa Lucia activities.  Here are some photos of Santa updating his list with some good boys and girls.